2024 Strongest Man On Earth Mitchell Hooper’s Top 10 Strength Workouts | BarBend

Mitchell Hooper, the 2023 World’s Strongest Man, won another major title: Strongest Man on Earth 2024 (SMoE) at Shaw Classic 2024 on August 18th in Loveland, CO. Hooper is also the reigning 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic [ASC] and ASC UK Champion.

Paired with Hooper’s competitive streak is his ability to share his training techniques and training choices that help him get to the top of those podiums. On August 17, 2024, “The Moose” compared the top 10 strength training exercises of all time by Muscles and fitness (M&F) in his top 10.

Mitchell Hooper’s 10 favorite strength training exercises

“Getting strong is about moving as much weight as possible using as many muscles as efficiently as possible.

While Hooper’s picks meet general strength training standards, some are Strongman-biased and not practical or necessary for most people looking to build strength.


Hooper’s best strength exercise overall is the squat. Whether the goal is athletic performance, lifting objects, or “getting off the toilet,” leaning is an important movement pattern in life.

This [is] foundation of strength across the board.

While Hooper didn’t specify the variation, barbell squats are more versatile and have the greatest loading advantage. However, front squats can be just as effective for muscle growth and may be better for long-term joint health. (1)

Squats engage the core better than many isolation exercises. In 2018, a study found that squats are better than planks for building core strength due to greater activation of the spine. (2) Furthermore, abdominal activation increases with each squat repetition. This was not seen on planks.

Hooper advises wearing a weightlifting belt while seated, disproving claims that it inhibits core strength. He claims that the core works harder. His only problem is the learning curve for the free weight squat.


Hooper doesn’t suggest that everyone train to become a powerlifter. Lifting heavy objects off the floor is a basic necessity of life, and learning to lift correctly on the right equipment is the safest and easiest way to develop safe lifting techniques.

You need a deadlift. I don’t care if you are 60, 20, 15 or 100 years old.

While there is controversy surrounding the safety of deadlifts, Hooper assures that mastering the technique is a matter of discipline.

It’s not because the deadlift is bad; it’s because your irresponsibility is new.

Comparing deadlifts to deadlifts to build pulling strength, neither the latter nor any bodyweight exercise makes his list of best exercises

Standing army/shoulder press

The standing overhead press is Hooper’s choice M&F Barbell bench press. While the latter relies on bench stability, overhead barbells engage the entire body, require total muscle control, and build strong, healthy shoulders.

“You have to work on opening up your thoracic vertebrae, looking up at the ceiling, and then pushing and coming through after you’ve locked yourself out,” says the kinesiologist.

Farmer’s walk

Hooper replaced shoulders on farmers’ hikes to grow mountain traps. Additionally, they build functional grip, single leg strength, and core stability, to name a few benefits.

[Related: Grip Strength, Better Posture, and More – 6 Benefits of Farmer’s Walks]


Like carrying a loaded short rack to the traps, the walk is an integral part of Strongman competition and culture.

Ok works your hips while building total body strength better than the stairs.

The downside is that walking isn’t practical for most people, as it’s not readily available in most gyms.

[Related: Strongman Mitchell Hooper Teaches Yoke Technique]

Leg press

The leg press is the absolute heaviest weight you will move in the gym. Learn to push the limit.

Hooper vouches for the leg press’s strength-building capabilities. In a standard 45-degree leg press, 1,000 pounds equals a 500-pound squat. However, squats are more dependent on technique, core strength and stability.

Pendlay series

The Pendlay series is a more dynamic version of curved lines. The latter relies more on the muscles of the erector spinae, which may limit performance. In Pendlays, the bar resets on the floor with each repetition, aiming to build pure pulling strength. They also strengthen deadlift movement patterns using similar techniques.

Arm-over-arm sled Drag

While “functional strength” may be overused to describe certain exercises, Hooper believes that arm-over-arm pull-ups fit the bill. It is one of the few strict pulls that requires raw strength, skill and endurance. As a result, tug-of-war is a perfect complement to other sponsorship activities.

Atlas stone

The renowned Atlas deadlift is a non-negotiable for Strongman training. It requires a combination of deadlifts, front squats, and using your arms to squeeze a large, heavy, round object.

“It’s an incredibly good test of strength,” says Hooper. There are several drawbacks to Atlas stones. The first is that you have to find them, and the other is that they are largely favored by tall athletes with longer arms. They tick all the right boxes otherwise!

Seated barbell shoulder press

The overhead shoulder press rounded out Hooper’s list of the top ten strength lifts. Sitting while bench press reduces leg strength and relies solely on the glutes, triceps, upper neck and core.

While the back support helps with stability, shoulder presses require more core focus than the bench press – to maintain lateral balance and prevent collapsing under the load. Make sure not to tilt the bench too much or you’ll be taking too much of your chest.

More Strongman stuff

Featured Image: @mitchellhooper on Instagram

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