Busy Life, Healthy You: 10 Simple Steps to Prioritize Wellness

What tends to slip away when life gets hectic? Our health habits. As a mother of two, I understand. Between looming deadlines, piles of laundry and a full calendar, nourishing habits fall by the wayside. On the other hand, we throw in the towel – because it’s easier than finding time for our well-being. But we all know this is not a long-term solution. And it makes it much more difficult to regain healthy habits down the road. Ultimately, the irony is this: the busier we are, the more we need the rituals that keep us grounded. Fortunately, with the right strategies (and a little self-compassion!) you can master healthy habits when you’re busy. It’s time to reclaim your sense of well-being.

Edie Horstman

Edie Horstman

Edie is the founder of the nutrition coaching company, Wellness with Edie. With her background and expertise, she specializes in women’s health, including fertility, hormone balance, and postpartum wellness.

How busyness gets in the way of our healthy habits

If you know it, you know: a full to-do list leaves little room for self-care. In contrast, our daily well-being feels more like a luxury than a necessity. When the focus shifts to immediate demands and urgent tasks, healthy habits fall away. It is inevitable. Unfortunately, we prioritize basic activities (like meal planning, exercise, and getting enough sleep) to try to stay afloat. Consider the stress of juggling multiple responsibilities, and there goes our patience! As a result, we take nutritional shortcuts and rely on caffeine – all in the name of convenience.

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Start small and build momentum

Before you start weaving wellness into your busy life, take a breath. Literally. Pause your browsing and sink deeper into your chair. Fill your lungs as you count to four, hold for eight counts, then release for seven counts. Do this again. Do you feel a little more grounded? When it comes to healthy habits when busy, the key is to start small and build momentum. Start by taking an honest look at your current habits. Where do you need to make improvements? Where are you overextending yourself? Where are better goals needed? Write this down.

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5 important steps to building sustainable habits

Once you’ve determined an area or two to improve (ie, sleep, hydration, or exercise), here are five steps to help you establish habits that stick.

1. Start small

Start with manageable changes. We cannot stress this enough! Rather than trying to overhaul your entire routine, focus on small, incremental steps. This is way easier to maintain and less overwhelming. For example, if you want to start exercising, start with 10 minutes a day instead of committing to an hour of exercise. Or, if you want to cut caffeine, wean off by switching to half-calf beans or one of these coffee alternatives.

2. Be consistent

Consistency is the secret sauce. Aim to do the habit at the same time every day – or fit it into your existing routine. For example, if you want to be better at taking your supplements, keep them near your kettle (or other kitchen appliance you use frequently). This consistency helps reinforce the habit.

3. Set clear, achievable goals

Define what success looks like for your habit. Clear, specific goals provide direction and motivation. Avoid vague intentions like “eat healthier.” Set a goal like “bring a portion of vegetables with each lunch.”

4. Track your progress

Watching your progress is motivating. It will also help you recognize how far you have come. Use a habit tracker, journal, or app to record your daily efforts. Seeing your success builds momentum. It will motivate you to keep going.

5. Adjust and adjust as needed

Life is unpredictable and your habits will evolve as you grow. Be flexible and ready to make changes when necessary. If a particular strategy isn’t working, fine-tune it—rather than ditching the habit altogether. Remember that sustainable habits come with the changes and challenges of your life.


10 healthy habits to restore your well-being

With consistent commitment (and a dose of self-discipline), you can effortlessly restore your healthy habits—no matter how busy you are. Again, start small and focus on the basics. Consider drinking a large water bottle with electrolytes when you take your kids to school. Or maybe it looks like your standing desk (bonus points for a walking pad underneath!). Try spending the last 30 seconds of your shower under cold water (improves blood circulation). Need more ideas? Here are some of our favorite health habits when you’re busy:

1. Prioritize meal planning

No wonder here. Set aside time each week to plan your meals. Simple, balanced meals that can be put together quickly chef’s kiss. (Creams and overnight oats are easy favorites.) At the very least, have protein on hand: canned fish, bone broth, hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, deli turkey, fully cooked hot dogs/meatballs, etc.

2. Keep healthy snacks at the ready

Avoid the temptation of low-fiber, high-carb snacks by stocking up on nutritious, portable ingredients. Keep pistachios, dried apricots, apples, baby carrots and hummus close at hand. Yes, protein bars (or a scoop of protein powder in a shaker bottle with milk) count!

3. Incorporate movement into your day

You don’t need an hour in the gym to be active. Look for small pockets of time to exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk during phone calls, or do a 10-minute workout in the morning. Each part adds up.

4. Stay hydrated

Forget to drink water on busy days? Us too. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and set reminders to sip throughout the day. Proper hydration is essential for energy and concentration.

5. Practice mindful eating

While the goal is to eat without interruption, there are days when we need to eat while at work or on our way to a date. To incorporate a micro-mindfulness moment, take a deep breath before you eat and express gratitude. This simple action can help you center yourself.

6. Prioritize sleep

Sleep often takes a back seat when we are busy. But it is important for general health. Create a playlist of soothing music (or a couplet) that helps you relax. Listen to it as you go about your evening routine. This will help the mind recognize that it is time to sleep.

7. Plan for downtime

Schedule relaxation (just as you would any other appointment). Whether it’s five minutes of deep breathing, a brisk walk, or flipping through a magazine, these moments prevent burnout. Time collecting your tasks leaves room for downtime!

8. Use technology to your advantage

From meditation apps to fitness equipment, use technology to simplify your routine and keep yourself accountable.

9. Make health a family affair

Involve your family in your healthy habits. Cook meals together, go on family walks, or have a no-screen rule during meals. This supports your well-being and set a positive example for your children.

10. Practice self-compassion

Finally, be kind to yourself. Focus on progress, not perfection. Celebrate small victories along the way.

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Being busy is not sexy

When we are constantly rushing and over-indebted, our bodies remain in chronic stress. This leads to a number of negative health effects: a weakened immune system, disturbed sleep patterns, digestive problems and an increased risk of heart disease. No, thanks.

Let’s be real – there is nothing sexy about being constantly stressed, exhausted and running on fumes! Constantly telling everyone how busy you are doesn’t make you important. It makes you sound like you can’t manage your time effectively. Today is the day to start appreciating the ability to live a balanced and fulfilling life.

#Busy #Life #Healthy #Simple #Steps #Prioritize #Wellness

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