Move over turmeric, Boswellia is the new collective ‘hero’

In late summer, many of us want to enjoy the last few weeks of lighter evenings as long as we can. Walking and exercising regularly is the key to that satisfaction.

Just 150 minutes of exercise a week reduces the risk of health problems from heart disease to dementia, all while improving mental well-being and self-esteem.

But staying active depends a lot on our joints—and they don’t always align with our exercise plans.

Knees are one of the most common places people experience joint discomfort

Knees are one of the most common places people experience joint discomfort

One of the first signs of soreness is when joints feel warmer than the surrounding skin. The most common complaints are reported in the knees, hands, wrists, shoulders and hips.

Many people have heard of turmeric supplements with black pepper, but few know about another natural ingredient from India that supports our joints – Boswellia serrata extract, derived from the resin of the Indian frankincense tree.

Frankincense has played a role in traditional Ayurvedic, Arabic, African and Chinese therapies for thousands of years.

Research has shown that its active ingredients – a range of compounds called Boswellic acids – can play a role in keeping joints cool and comfortable.

Lee has been taking FutureYou Cambridge's Cool Joints+ for over five years now

Lee has been taking FutureYou Cambridge’s Cool Joints+ for over five years now

“It was like a miracle for me,” says Lee Adley, 76, who lives in Milton Keynes, a former hypnotherapist and employee of the commercial hospital.

“I went to meet a friend in Weston-super-Mare and we decided to visit a large shopping park in Somerset.

“When I walked around, I thought my knee was about to give out,” she remembers.

“The next time my friend saw me she said yes, you have a really bad knee so you won’t be able to walk very far will you?”

“But she was wrong about that. After the outing I discovered Cool Joints+ and decided to give it a try.

“After only a week of taking it, I noticed a difference. That was about five years ago and I have never looked back.

Cool Joints+ contains a combination of manganese, sunflower lecithin and Boswellia serrata, a natural extract from the Indian frankincense tree.

Cool Joints+ contains a combination of manganese, sunflower lecithin and Boswellia serrata, a natural extract from the Indian frankincense tree.

“Honestly, I think it’s just amazing and recommend it to all my friends.”

Cool Joints+ contains a blend of sunflower lecithin and Boswellia serrata, a natural extract from the Indian frankincense tree that can help keep joints cool and comfortable. It also contains manganese, which contributes to the normal formation of connective tissue and the maintenance of bones.

This vegan-friendly formula is also backed by more than five studies on its effectiveness.

Dr Miriam Ferrer PhD, head of product development at FutureYou Cambridge, the company that created Cool Joints+, explains: ‘Boswellic acids are poorly absorbed by the body, so the combination with lecithin phospholipids increases absorption up to four times compared to other standard extracts.’

Lee continues, “I’m 76 years old and I work three to four days a week at a local hospital. It’s an old bingo hall so I walk about three miles per shift. I’m always on the go. It’s a great exercise. I take Cool Joints+ every day – I wouldn’t be without it’

A long career driving lorries took its toll on Wembley's joints, but he has found that Cool Joints+ has really helped him

A long career driving lorries took its toll on Wembley’s joints, but he has found that Cool Joints+ has really helped him

Wembley Campling, 75, from Ryhall in Rutland agrees.

“I hadn’t heard of Boswellia until my wife found a thread about it online.

“I was driving trucks for almost 40 years and it took its toll on me in one way or another, especially on my joints.

“I had to retire at 63 because I couldn’t take it anymore. It was relieved – but it came back to bite me. I was willing to try anything.’

After finding out about Boswellia, Wembley tried Cool Joints+ to see if it might make a difference.

“It’s been a revelation, to be honest,” says Wembley, after taking the supplement for two months.

“We live in a small village about two kilometers from town and now I often walk there and back. But I couldn’t have done it before because my joints would be too hot. I can hardly believe it.

“Over the years I have tried endlessly. But nothing has ever done anything like this. I have nothing but praise for it.’

Cool Joints+ contains the full range of 11 active boswellic acids

Cool Joints+ contains the full range of 11 active boswellic acids

For Wembley, the impact has also had a significant impact on his general well-being and quality of life.

“It has definitely affected my mood. When it was bad, all I could think was, ‘Can I do something?’ It has made a big difference in my life. I’m just generally happier.’

“Many people have heard of curcumin in turmeric, but not so many know about boswellia,” continues Dr Ferrer PhD,

“Boswellia works alone or as a supplement. The active ingredients work completely differently than curcumin but can provide mutual support for joint health. Our formulation contains the full range of 11 active boswellic acids, which work together to produce the best effect.’

Angela says taking Cool Joints+ has helped her stay active and she still loves walking her Cockapoo, Phoebe

Angela says taking Cool Joints+ has helped her stay active and she still loves walking her Cockapoo, Phoebe

Retired high school teacher Angela Finch, 72, who lives in Oxfordshire, also found Cool Joints+ amazing.

“I read about Cool Joints+ and wanted to try it as I already knew about the benefits of manganese and how it helps the body form connective tissue and I was interested in learning more about boswellia and how it can help support joints.

“I especially noticed the difference in my hands, which can be quite uncomfortable and stiff.

“After taking Cool Joints+ I noticed they were much more relaxed, I feel it helps keep me moving. I can determine how effective it is as I noticed the difference after about three weeks. I can now enjoy regular walks with our Cockapoo, Phoebe.’

“Too many suffer in silence with hot joints”. Says Dr Ferrer PhD. “We are so confident in the quality and effectiveness of our Cool Joints+ formula that we are offering you the opportunity to try it for four weeks absolutely free.”

“Simply pay the £1.50 delivery charge and join thousands of our customers who are taking advantage of this increasingly popular joint health ingredient.

*Manganese contributes to the normal functioning of connective tissue.

How to download your FREE trial of Cool Joints+

Get your free 28 day trial pack of Cool Joints+ at and pay just £1.50 postage with our flexible monthly delivery service. You can also call us on freephone 0800 808 5740 with a code CJF222.*

After your free trial, subsequent 28-day supply packs cost £20 (including postage) and will be delivered every 28 days. If you wish to cancel your subscription after your trial, please visit or call 0800 808 5740. Our customer service team is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday.

Want to buy once?

Get £5 off Cool Joints+ with code CJ24 by box. Click here to shop this exclusive promotion or call 0800 808 5740 with code CJ24.

*Offer valid until December 31, 2024. One use per customer. The offer cannot be combined with other offers / discounts or used against an existing subscription. Full terms and conditions are available here.

#Move #turmeric #Boswellia #collective #hero

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