Napa Reiki Master and Energy Healer Hopes to Help ‘Transform Lives’

Jenna Sampson holds two titles: Reiki Master and Energy Healer. Both are central to her business Napa Holistic Healing.

The practice focuses on energy healing, but “on a deeper level we transform lives,” Sampson explained.

“At Napa Holistic Healing, we create a safe, calming environment for people to express themselves as their authentic selves, uncover limiting beliefs, heal old wounds and traumas, and move into a life that is vibrant, abundant, and full of spiritual, spiritual, and physical well-being.”

1. What was your childhood ambition?

I knew I wanted to help others and make a positive impact in the world in a huge way, but I didn’t know what that would look like. I always struggled with activities like career days because none of the traditional careers sounded like they were right for me, but at the time I couldn’t explain why. Looking back now, I know I was never meant to fit into a traditional job role.

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2. What was your first job?

My first job was a football referee! I’ve played football all my life and ended up going on to play League 1 football, so being a football referee was a great way to earn extra money growing up and it fit perfectly into my lifestyle at the time.

3. How did you get into this business and industry?

I had been going to talk therapy for years and felt frustrated that I was supposed to logically understand my issues and triggers but couldn’t move past them. I started hearing about this thing called Reiki, and without really knowing what it was at the time, my soul felt called to try it.

I scheduled my first Reiki session and after the first session I knew my life had changed forever. I felt like I could finally let go of the things that were weighing me down, I was happier, I felt more fulfilled, and I found a peace I didn’t even know was possible.

After about six months and seeing how my life changed, I knew I needed to learn Reiki myself, so I could share it with others, so that’s what I did. I was trained in Usui Reiki in Southern California by Alicia McNaughton. Shortly after receiving my Reiki Master Certification, I quit my marketing job at a technology company to pursue energy healing full time. I have since opened my own business, Napa Holistic Healing, in downtown Napa and am learning new healing modalities to add to my offerings there, as well as Reiki.

4. What do you love or like best about what you do?

Helping People – I truly pinch myself every single day that my work involves being with amazing clients as they face themselves, their fears, and release old traumas and emotions. To be a part of people’s journeys as they learn to trust themselves and remember their own divinity is something that is beyond my wildest dreams. It has made me realize how similar we all really are. We are all learning and growing and trying our best to figure out this thing called life.

5. What is the biggest challenge your company or industry has faced?

Many people who are not familiar with the world of energy healing have doubts around it. Because they don’t understand it, they don’t think it’s real and/or don’t know how it can benefit them.

A challenge for this industry as a whole is to educate people about what energy healing is, how it works and what the benefits are. Much of my work is allaying people’s concerns and fears around energy healing so that they feel comfortable in their first session. As soon as someone comes into their first session and they get to experience the transformation that happens to them firsthand, they keep coming back.

6. Who do you most admire in business?

My dad, Greg Brennan, is someone I really admire. He was self-employed for the majority of his career. I got to witness him pursue multiple focuses in his career – he wrote and published a book, produced videos, wrote scripts for TV shows, worked in corporate communications and so much more. I appreciate the diversity of his skills.

My dad is one of the most passionate people I know; it didn’t matter what role he was working in, he gave it his all. But I think what inspires me the most is his ability to be fearless in trying new things and never feel embarrassed to wear something he’s grown out of.

7. What is one thing Napa could do to help local businesses?

When opening a small business in Napa, it would be beneficial to make it easier for business owners to find decent rental spaces that comply with Napa’s accessibility codes and laws. The process of finding businesses to lease space is difficult because most buildings do not comply with current accessibility standards.

8. If you could change one thing about your business or industry, what would it be?

I would love for even more people to learn about energy healing and how much it can affect their lives. It’s amazing how fast energy healing is gaining popularity in the US, but I know there are people who are curious about it but haven’t tried it yet.

9. What is something people might be surprised to know about you?

I meditate an average of 45 minutes a day and have done so for the past three years. It keeps me grounded, allows me to tap into my intuition and brings so much peace and clarity into my life.

10. What is one thing you hope to achieve in your life that you haven’t yet?

My dream is to open a healing studio where Napa locals and people from all over the world can participate in short drop-in classes and longer healing classes. It will be a space focused on community, authentic connection and a place where everyone’s rawest expression will be celebrated and honored – a truly ‘come as you are’ type of vibe.

Napa Holistic Healing is located at 1339 Pearl St., Suite 104, in Napa;;

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